When nothing is normal: Managing in extreme uncertainty

When nothing is normal: Managing in extreme uncertainty

In this uniquely severe global crisis, leaders need new operating models to respond quickly to the rapidly shifting environment and sustain their organizations through the trials ahead.

The best of Capwiit’s 2020 insights, according to our Gen Z colleagues

’Tis the season for year-end lists. We’re kicking it off with a six-part series featuring article recommendations from some of our newer colleagues. First up: Angelos, a business analyst in Johannesburg.

The pandemic’s gender effect

Women are disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 crisis. Here’s how to help.

Navigating the state financial crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic has created and underscored countless financial management challenges for state governments in the United States. To meet these fiscal demands, states can use the budget as a strategic management tool.

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